Phon connection to Vendor - Rima Kravits:
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During the creative life the artist has created iseveral hundreds works of art in postimpression manner. Today some of them are submitted on the site according to genres (landscape, portrait and still-life) and to time of creation (years).

(Music: Erik Satie. Gnossienne5).

Renee Phillips: "The impressionistic paintings by Michael Matusevitsch are rich in texture, color and sentiment, deficient the artist's homeland, Israel"... "It is a romantic, warm, enchanting, intimate place, full of poetry and charm..." more>>

Itamar Yaoz-Kest: "Impressionist portrait of impressionist. The spiritual distance between Jerusalem and Odessa is, of course, entirely different from geographical distance between two cities. This is clear to those who are familiar with the development of Hebrew culture in the last generations and know the importance of the Seaside City in the Soviet Union, in relation to the growth of the Jewish national movement of revival. So it was that Michael Matusevich's paintings awakened in Me a special curiosity, the minute and I became acquainted with their creator... As though he walks, very often, an invisible path that joins two cities and melts them into one seemingly spiritual unity, even though the artist may appear as no more than a painter bent on recording his surroundings, anchored in reality..." more>>

Григорий Островский: "...зрелый и могоопытный живописец, он уже лет двадцать хорошо известен израильскому зрителю. Его пейзажи Иерусалима, Яффо, Тель-Авива и других мест, написаны в присущей ему импрессионистской манере, пронизаны вибрирующей на солнце световоздушной атмосферой, и это придает им убедительность и привлекательность..." more>>

Rene Phillips: "Israel - the land fnd its people are brought to life in the expressive oil paintings by Russian born artist Michael Matusevitsch, currently residing in Israel.... In all of Nichael Matusevitsch's paintings we encounter poetry, drama and sensetivity of an artist who knows his domain..." more>>

Ruthi Litay: "His point of view and his work differs from those of impressionists in that they are not always entirely incidential - a grate deal of thought about the actual execution of a work goes into the process..." more>>

Miriam Tal's criticism>>