Management of Association:
Chairwoman Mrs.Gita KOIFMAN
Ph: 054-7623831
Ph/Fax: 04-8705367
Members of the Board:
Mr. David TAUBKIN (website editor-in-chief)
Professor Mikhail SHTEINMAN
Mr. Boris BURLE
Managing Drector
Bank account:
Account No. 83148165 in the bank Leumi
Division 705,
Kiryat Motzkin 26108.
Association registered in the Ministry of Justice - No. 580210318.
Postal Address: P.O.B. 866 K. Motzkun 26108.
Te/Fax: 972-4-8705367
Cell number: 972-54-7623831.
About Organization
The All-Israeli Association of Concentration Camps and Ghetto Survivors was set up in 1992 as an independent, non-commercia and a non-party public orgarization.
The Association is one of the biggest and most respected Russian public organizations in Israel. It has united Jews, who survived in the fires of Holocaust by miracle, in Ghettos, extermination camps at the territory of the USSR and Eastern Europe, occupied by the fascist Germany and its satellites.
The man aims of the Association are to protect rights and interests of former prisoners of Nazism, to preserve memory about Holocaust victims and Jevvish resistance, to establish constructive relations with foregn organizations.
First of all, with the organizations of Evangelical Christians, who support Israel and Jewish people in their struggle against manifestations of anti-Semitism and neo-Nazism.
The Association is linked to Rigtteous Among the Nations and their families, and aso to those, who helped Jews to survive during the occupaion period.
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Festival of supporting Israel |
The last years proved that one of the main events in the life of the Association was the decision to set up town organizations, members of the Association. Exactly these town organizations are the basis of the Association, its stem and motive force, which solves the problems of the survivors promptly. At present there are 33 town organization, members of the Association, and they are led by councils, elected by the meeting. Association enlists about 3000 survivors. The current management is executed by the Central council, which elects a chairman, deputies chairman and the Bureau members.
The Association is proud of its achievements.
The management of the Association and of the town organizations has defined the care of people as its main target, care of those people who lost their relatives and dose people, survived loss of loved ones, humiliation and diseases during the years of occupation, and afterward they experienced state anti-Semitism and policy of multi-year silence on tragedy of Holocaust. In 2008 the management of the Association took part in the State commission on negotiations with the Government of Israel to allocate exemption to former prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps. As a result the Law On Exemptions to Needy Survivors was passed.
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Meeting with the speaker of the Knesset
Councils of town organizations plan their activities in such
a way, that it's possible to take into consideration the interests of the prisoners as cbsely as possible. They do home visits or visits in the hospitals of those who are sick, or bedridden, they buy food packages, with the help of sponsors they help to pay for the expensive drugs, which are not included into the basket of medical services, they try to organize leisure time, or to celebrate together Jewish holidays, to congratulate those who have birthday or jubilees, they publish books of reminiscences, as well as organize other interesting and useful events.
Members of the Association as the last living withnesses of the Catastrophe of the European Jewery, tell their memories in Yad Vashem, what they experienced during the years of Nazism, and talk abolt it in schools and other educational institutions, and in front of the guests of our country, who love Israel and Jewish people.
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Karmiel (Israel) | Hagen (Germany) | Plauen (Germany) |
Meetings with young people |
In order to solve problems of the Nazism survivors, the Asociation closely cooperates with Mnistries and departments, participates in activities of different commissions of Knesset, European central Union of organizations of prisoners survivors from the countries of Europe. The Associaion takes participaion in the activity of the "International Union of Jews former prisoners of fascism".
The Association is financed by members fees, and sponsors donation. Financial activity is controlled by the revision commission of the Association.
About the site
Dear readers,
Editorial Board welcomes you to the website of "Association of concentration camps and ghetto survivors"!
What you will find here:
Our core audience - it's Russian-speaking citizens of Israel, which turned out during the Second World War in Nazi-occupied territory. These are the Jews who survived the fire of the Holocaust - to escape the ghetto, go to the guerrillas, hiding among the local population. These are the ones who liberated the Nazi concentration camps of the Red Army and the Allied army.
The site will be useful for many of our brothers in a common destiny, now living in different countries. We also appeal to all those who associates with the objectives of the Association.
You'll find lots of useful information:
The protection of interests of its members in local, national and international institutions (the Knesset, Claims Conference, etc.).
The daily activities of 32 offices in major cities: the specific aid to the needy, to preserve the memory of the Holocaust, tours around the country, the joint celebration, acts of charity and other events.
Cooperation with other organizations of the urban public associations.
At your fingertips are the documents of the Association, conference delegates and the plenipotentiaries minutes of meetings of the Council.
The Association hosts part of the Central Union of Israeli former prisoners of the Nazis (which brings together 46 organizations of immigrants from Europe) and member of the Board of the International Union of Jews - former prisoners of fascism. We cover the activities of these organizations.
The Association aims to perpetuate the memory of Holocaust victims and prevent such shocks in the future. In support of this work on the web site articles and memoirs of former prisoners of Nazi material on the Righteous among the Nations, war veterans, partisans and Jewish resistance fighters, the fight against modern anti-Semitism.
You will also learn about cooperation with the Association of Museum and memorial Yad Vashem Museum and Beit Lohamei Hagettaot.
With the help of the site can exchange information through the section "Letters". Letters asking for help in finding missing people during the war and we are looking for someone who can clarify anything.
There is reference material, which can be accessed on demand (information about transportation in Israel, electronic translators, dictionaries, etc.), and links to others, including those related to ours, interesting sites.
Main site sections are shown in Map.
Dear readers, our site is interactive, which means that it is also yours. Participate in its work: send the certificate, memories, photos - they must be preserved in history, to become public domain. Also, we gratefully accept materials on modern life and its problems, your comments and suggestions on the content and design of the site.
About preparation materials for shipment to the site
Texts should be prepared in one of the editors: Word, WordPad, Notepad, Front Page. Possible formats are *.doc, *.txt, *.rtf, *.htm, *.html. Use your preferred font and a minimum (!) formatting (indents, word wrap, the selection of words in bold, italics, underline, or color are not needed - all this makes it difficult to read or simply does not meet accepted standards on the site and will be eliminated). Try to avoid mistakes and slips.If you send materials for the first time, do not forget, please, to attach your personal information: name, email address (if available), phone and upload your photos and a few words about myself. These data will be placed on your personal page.
Graphic material - pictures, photos, charts, etc. need to be prepared in any graphics editor, in one of the formats - *.gif, *.jpg or *.png.
Do not insert graphics into text (because of it its quality goes down), mark as anything (that was obvious) places in the text where to insert one or another picture, and send your own pictures as separate files.
Materials not meeting these basic requirements will be not considered.
Addresses to send materials:
E-mail with attachment:
or CD-disk with the files sent by regular mail in an envelope with soft padding: to A.Kazarnovsky, fl. 615, st.Rothshild 182, Petah Tiqwa, Israel 4937043.
For all questions can contact the Chief Editor David Taubkin:
Good luck and good health!