... In addition to possible assistance to you, we try to write down your stories. We distribute them, because by far not everybody knows, what happened and why. In the countries of South-Eastern Asia, in America people in general did not hear about the Second World War. We are trying to fill in these gaps of culture…...
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…We Christians, we received all the spiritual heritage from the Hebrew book of the Bible. And being citizens of Europe, we are ashamed of our history, we are ashamed of what happened during World War Two. We have little contributed to the Jewish people, little helped him during those hard times…
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March 31st in the Jerusalem cultural center there took place a concert of the youthful ensemble – "Dance Group" from Tübingen (in Germany), through the help of the vice-president of the organization "helpful hand" Luk Gasiorowski. The project is accompanied in the frame of preparing for the "March of Life" during 2018.
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April 21 at the Jerusalem Organization "Central" held a joint Seder, was attended by representatives of Christian organizations in Germany, Finland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Belarus.
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I'll tell you a story..
I live in Israel, in Petah Tiqwa. And in the Ukraine, in Uman I have a friend and classmate Boris Moldavski. Once his wife Maya related about a great trouble. Their grandson Andriusha, is ill with cerebral paralysis and he needs a special invalid chair. However, they cannot purchase it – it is too expensive. The income of the family is composed of an allowance – totally $126. You will judge about the prosperity and possibilities of the family.
The diagnosis of Andrei was submitted still at the age of seven months. The ordeal of wandering to the various clinics and rehabilitation centers in the Ukraine and in Russia did not lead to anything. Now he is 22 years old, he cannot serve himself. The intellect is preserved, but speech is not clear. Another person does not understand, but after a short conversation he begins to understand. Andrei very much likes intellectual tele-programs. He is an open, positive, gregarious person, free from complexes.
I related about Andrei Panchuk to my friend, neighbor David Taubkin, the surrogate of the chairman of the all-Israeli association "Survivors in concentration camps and ghettoes". David took the story of the boy close to his heart and found a Christian philanthropic organization - CHD Bruderhilfe e.V. , who agreed to help Andrei.
And there! Soon the family Panchuk received as a gift the necessary wheelchair. Exultation and joy - they all felt. And if you read the gratitude of the parents of Andriusha for the gift and look at the photographs, you will be glad together with us.
If anyone can help with anything the family Panchuk, please, contact them: Home phone: +38 04744 36190, Mobile phone: +38 09536 15672, skype kristinapanuman. Support them, it is difficult for them.
The letter of the parents of Andrei Panchuk:
To Mrs. Simone Faber, General Manager of the Christian Charity Organization "CHD Bruderhilfe e.V." Baden-Baden with gratitude for the donated invalid chair.
It is hard to chose the words, which our family would like to express in heartfelt gratitude to your fund for the priceless help to our son Andrei, an invalid from childhood, in the purchasing of a comfortable, functional, in many ways facilitating the illness of the child, invalid chair. It is happy to recognize, that people, working in your charitable organization "Brotherly Help" take the trouble of others as if it was their own. Truly, G-d lives in their hearts. The best proof – the happy eyes of our son. Thanks to all who responded and helped to collect means for the invalid chair for the child. We thank Mr. Irek Chubak for the help in supply of this priceless present. May G-d dwell in your souls and help to create good things. With a deep feeling of acknowledgement and endless thankfulness.
Christina and Vasili Panchuk
What a joy on the faces of Andrei Panchuk and his mother! What luck! |
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…Sara Zoabi, who still last year acted in support of her son, not long ago received a chance to express her opinion in public. She did not miss this chance. Participating in an utterly non-political show, a competition of cooks MasterChef Israel, Sara Soabi, a resident of the Arab city Nazareth in the North of Israel, replied to the question of the jury, asking her to introduce herself: "I am an Arab, a Moslem, an Israeli and a proud Zionist"…
…The family Zoabi, where on the one flank - not fearing to tell the truth defenseless boy Mohammed and his mother Sara – and on the other flank, the defended by parliamentary impunity accomplice of terrorists Hanin Zoabi, express that latent, not seen in the wide world civil war, which is going on with the Arab society in Israel. Mohammed and Sara have shown the whole world that there are in this society people, not being afraid to tell the truth, regardless of mortal danger. One may not doubt it that with them – a multitude of people are solidary with them, who simply are afraid to voice this aloud.
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…You couldn't clarify such a strange Israeli attitude to anti-terrorist activities. Why don't I ever meet information about lawsuits against terrorists in Israel for compensation of damage? Such suits could give a living to the victims of terroristic acts and the relatives of the ones killed. But not only that. To the court there can turn community and transport services, businesses – all, who suffer as a result of terroristic acts. As defendants there can appear not only the terrorists themselves, but also their parents or guardians, their heirs, who, as is known, not only inherit assets, but also are responsible for the liabilities of the deceased. And, finally, defendants can be organs of authority and social organizations – those who enable and instigate terror. A common situation, let us say, for America, where a criminal receives his thirty years of prison and three million fine for different victimized personalities and companies. About such a practice in Israel I never heard. Perhaps there is. And if not, there is a question: Why not? The law is a powerful weapon. On the side of the right one, but for this there is the court…
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"What is going on with our country?
There is an enemy, and he has declared war against us. We bury our dead – bury every week. But we refuse to rebuff him.
Have they bewitched us?
Ministers voice condolences and sorrow. Okay, but what on account of the war?
This is what – our indispensable fate? To be killed with a knife, one after the other, to keep quietness and politeness and wait, till our forces end and we leave this country?
Where are we moving to? What means our serenity and routine at the time, when people are killed?!"
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